If you have any questions or concerns around your student's health/health needs please contact our health aide or our area nurse.
How Sick is too Sick?
Jeffco follows the recommendations from Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) on when students and staff should stay home from school, work or child care.
There are four main reasons for children and adults to stay home:
- The child or staff member could infect others with a contagious illness, either because of symptoms, a diagnosis, or recent exposure to a contagious illness.
- The child or staff member does not feel well enough to take part in usual activities. For example, a child is overly tired, fussy, or will not stop crying.
- A child needs more care than teachers and staff can give while still caring for the other children.
- The child or staff member has symptoms or an illness on the CDPHE public guidance document, and staying home is required.
Health Forms:
Community Resources: